One of the key challenges to increasing the number of women in technology is giving recruiting organisations the confidence that having true diversity in technical positions within their organisation will not negatively and in actual fact positively benefit their organisation – a recent report found that tech companies with women on management teams have a 34% higher return on investment.
Going beyond technical qualifications, by understanding the decision-making ability of current ‘good’ IT Professionals and then measuring a potential IT professional’s ‘fit’ (no matter gender) will give organisations the assurance that they are recruiting the very best talent from the largest talent pool.
Additionally individuals, at any stage in their first, second or subsequent careers, would benefit from a clearer picture of their inherent talents to know where their natural strengths would be ideally employed. Equally, those with specific ambitions to work in a particular industry i.e. the IT industry – or in a specific role – would be better-placed to understand any skills gap that might need to be addressed were they to become competitive in that field. Axiology (branded, where proprietary applications are used, as Axiometrics®) is uniquely capable of delivering such insights – and others besides – with unrivalled levels of reliability, accuracy, and clarity. Proven in many applications related to training, education, coaching, on-boarding/recruiting and personal development, it is a cost-effective and detailed profiling tool.
Scientific Axiometrics® Benchmarking
For more than thirty years Axiometrics ® have been measuring the thinking and decision making process of people inside many of the biggest companies in the world. Now our Scientific Axiometric Benchmarking represents a breakthrough in the benchmarking field.
The lessons learned from this research has allowed us to take our already powerful technology to an even higher level. We’ve learned that even though someone has the talent, attitude, drive and energy to perform successfully for one company, that does not mean they can perform successfully for the next company.
What exactly is a Scientific Axiometrics ® Benchmarking Process?
Our Scientific Axiometric ® Benchmarking is a highly specific, mathematical, objective measurement of a company’s high-end and low-end performers.
This process represents an accurate overall measurement of:
Talent level
- Ability to access that Talent
- Attitude
- Skills & Competencies
With the measurement complete, we analyze the data to compare top and bottom performers. The result is an objective indicator of the likelihood for success and failure within a unique company and culture. Then a company will be able to hire with great confidence. This process will lower turnover costs, lower cost per hire, and lower cost of training, because training will now be targeted. Identifying and developing the best talent for your organisation is now a much more rigorous, yet simple, process.
Overall Effect:
- Benchmarking will correctly identify eight out of 10 who will fail at a job and seven out of 10 who will succeed. This delivers 75% overall accuracy (15 out of 20 are correctly identified). Data on actual results have been reviewed every quarter and refined based on any turnover that has taken place. The accuracy thus increases, up to 90%, as job benchmarks are adjusted over time.
- When the Axiometrics® scores place the individual in conditional to high risk categories, we have found that 80% of the time, the individual will perform in a mediocre to poor fashion and will be appraised this way by supervision. This means that our ability to predict negative performance/inability to perform (protective capability of our product) is excellent – far beyond that of any other mechanized assessment.
- Specific patterns related to styles and scoring are also very strong predictors of negative or non-performance issues for the individual.
The output from the profile can be compared to the requirements of the job role and also compared to other applicants. Each row represents an applicant/employee’s ‘fit’; a report is generated showing individual strengths and development areas for performance improvement :-
The benchmark will also identify:
- Leadership, communication, learning and coaching styles
- Environmental and personal blockers inhibiting access to talent
- Trends in organization, department or team culture that might prevent optimum performance
Against your desired competencies, imagine if you knew whether individuals could not only ‘do it’, but ‘do it’ for YOU in YOUR unique environment….