Right People – Diversity

- the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas etc.
- the state of having people who are different cultures in a group or organisation
Marriam-Webster Dictionary
Diverse thinking
Diversity is fundamental to business performance. Effective business cultures are ones where individual strengths and unique gifts are honoured, recognised and rewarded irrespective of gender, ethnicity, age, sexuality or nationality.
Our unique profiling tool is approved by the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunities Commission) and can be used to help objectively and accurately ensure you attract, recruit and retain the right people in the right roles for your organisation.
Based on the work of Dr. Robert S Hartman, the Axiometrics profile does not distinguish between people of different gender, ethnicity, age, sexuality or nationality – it differentiates based on individuals’ unique thinking patterns and the impact this has on their ability to perform. This way, you can be sure you are making the right decisions about the right value thinking for your organisation.
Diverse environment
Retaining the right talent requires an environment where people are able to demonstrate their unique talents and capabilities. We help clients understand and address attitudes towards others that may support or hinder the expression of diverse ideas, strengths and ways of thinking.
Understanding where the blockages are – whether it is with people, processes, or outmoded and un-useful attitudes – is the first step to building a healthier and more successful environment where everyone has equal opportunity to contribute to the success of the organisation based on their skills and capacity.
Diversity and workforce performance – Stanford GSB staff
‘The study of diversity in the workplace has taken on new importance as changing economics prompt many companies to downsize and restructure themselves into flatter, more decentralised entities. The result is that today’s corporations are built around groups that must find answers to novel and complicated business issues. These teams bring together diverse groups of people who incorporate a variety of backgrounds, ideas and personalities.’

The evidence is growing – there really is a business case for diversity
Stephen Frost, head of diversity and inclusion for the London Olympics and now for KPMG, writes in his book ‘The Inclusion Imperative’ that discrimination against women, homosexuals and disabled people is estimated to cost $64bn a year in the US alone.’
From ‘The evidence is growing – there really is a business case for diversity’, Tim Smedley, FT.com