CatapultCounterInsider – Business Intelligence for Managing People Risk

The Insider Threat…

Drawing data from a UK Government survey, 24% of employees that go on to do harm to a business could have been identified at the recruiting stage. Furthermore, a massive 94% of Insiders studied in the survey joined a business with no malicious intent at the outset but were ‘turned’ by non-supportive environmental conditions in the workplace. More often the result of misalignment between the values of the individual and those espoused by the business, the CatapultCounterInsider service provides executives and managers with a remarkably insightful and powerful internal business intelligence tool. This capability supports businesses in reducing people-risk, increases awareness of the qualities and attributes of individuals and teams and provides the opportunity to maximise staff and team performance in accord with business risk tolerance.

Addressing the Insider Risk Threat…

The Catapult solution to Insider risk is a three-layered approach that: keeps high-risk individuals outside the business at the recruiting stage; identifies values-based risk profiles for individuals filling high-trust roles; and, detects changes throughout the employment lifecycle to deliver a detailed risk-picture of an organisation’s human capital. The data produced from the Catapult CounterInsider product may also be applied to performance improvement at individual and team levels. In essence, a unique managerial resource that that creates the best achievable HR outcomes for a business.


Leaders and senior staff have an essential role to play in setting the ‘tone’ for an organisation that leads to the ‘right’ culture for the business’s operating environment. CatapultCounterInsider provides a powerful means of actually measuring a business culture – this includes a method of identifying alignment of individual and business values.

What is CatapultCounterInsider?

People – a business’s most important resource – are also its greatest source of risk. To be both secure and effective, businesses must be aware of the qualities and attributes of individuals and teams so that they might better understand the culture necessary to minimise people risk. This is especially challenging where employees are distributed across many sites and where direct supervision may be challenging.

CatapultCounterInsider is a suite of services specifically designed to support executives and managers in understanding key people risks: keeping high-risk candidates (including new recruits, temporary staff, consultants and interns) outside the business and providing a rich risk picture of the organisation’s human capital and especially highly privileged staff with unfettered access to the business’s crown jewels. CatapultCounterInsider is an efficient, rapidly delivered, accurate, reliable, affordable and un-gameable toolset with solutions bespoke to the unique requirements of each organisation, team and/or individual. A complementary (or, where no such services exist, an alternative) service to personnel vetting.

Underpinned by Axiometrics® profiling, developed from the value science (axiology) work of Nobel-nominated Dr Robert S. Hartman, we are able to identify the internal valuing system and associated thinking patterns that influence our attitudes, decisions and consequent actions; in essence, it determines why we do what we do

What does CatapultCounterInsider do?

Over more than 40 years of development, value scientists have refined Robert Hartman’s modelling to measure real-life variables with remarkable accuracy and precision.

Axiometrics® profiling is widely used to measure and assess qualities and risk attributes in organisations worldwide. It is viewed as complementary to other approaches in human resource management (such as those delivered by psychologists, anthropologists and neuro-scientists).

Decision-making quality is the key differentiator between successful and unsuccessful businesses – CatapultCounterInsider enables executives to fully understand their team’s capacity to make good choices.

Sound problem-solving is critical at all levels in an organisation – CatapultCounterInsider enhances the understanding, improves quality and supports managers in recognising strengths and vulnerabilities in the team.

Communication is essential in ensuring that the right messages are shared with clients, potential customers and internal stakeholders. It is also vital in delivering the CEO’s vision across the business, enabling the delivery of shareholder value. CatapultCounterInsider identifies communications styles & learning biases across the team which enables tailored messages that stick.

How is CatapultCounterInsider delivered?

Tailorable to a business’s unique operating environment, CatapultCounterInsider is based on a simple, 15-minute, online statement-ordering exercise undertaken by designated staff. It is non-invasive, ethically robust and demonstrably reliable. The profiling methodology:

  • Based on values, it identifies how we make sense of our experiences and, consequently, how we are likely to behave
  • Makes no attempt to classify or categorise individuals
  • Does not discriminate for age, gender, creed or culture and is validated by the EEOC in the US
  • Is able to predict future performance based on current attributes relative to a defined environment
  • Cannot be ‘gamed’

Outputs from the online assessment are presented in a range of reports and used as a foundation for one-to-one feedback, team dynamic workshops, coaching and learning need analysis – all delivered by qualified and experienced Axiometrics® analysts, coaches and facilitators.

What value is added by CatapultCounterInsider?

CatapultCounterInsider services ensure that the managers can more simply and cost-effectively:

  • Understand individual propensity for ‘risky’ behaviour
  • Mitigate the risks of insider threat within business-critical teams
  • Recruit the right talent
  • Retain the right talent
  • Promote the right talent
  • Identify ’causes’ of insider within an organisation’s unique culture
  • Understand personal strengths and vulnerabilities as a senior leader





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