Talent & Values Benchmarking


As performance improvement specialists you will be keen to understand the talent an organisation has, the latent talent which is not being maximised (after all, the organisation is already paying for it) and the talent that is needed to ensure that the ‘right’ team is in place, to make the ‘right’ decisions with the ability to achieve the ‘right’ results for the short and longer term.

Our performance system is based upon Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr. Robert S. Hartman’s research plus 40 years of non-stop research, application and translation of that work by his most prolific graduate student Wayne Carpenter. Wayne’s lifetime of validated research drives our revolutionary “Net Talent” business models.

Through Axiometrics® and our unique benchmarking methodology we go far deeper than just observing (or not) what the behavioural tendencies are of employees; we identify the valuing systems which drive those behaviours. We measure the ’cause’ rather than just the ‘effect’ (observed behaviour); if we understand ’cause’ (which is a direct response to the environment) we are able to influence the result or ‘effect’.


Maximising ROI, Talent Benchmarking data can be utilised across multiple performance improvement initiatives

If we rely on traditional methods of selection  – qualifications, self-reporting questionnaires  and our own judgement (what happens if the very environment in which we are making people decisions is not allowing us as decision makers to make our ‘best’ decisions?) – how do we know that an individual is going to be able to ‘access their talent’ and make decisions and deliver to their best ability for us as employers?

Talent Benchmarking is accessible for all sizes of organisation and can be achieved in 3 easy steps:




The Benchmarking Process:


Step 1: Benchmarking – We have the facility to create role specific benchmark reports. We will work with you to identify the competencies required and how they need to be demonstrated in your environment and for specific roles. Against Performance areas such as Building Trust, Building Team Synergy, Maintaining Consistency and Conformity etc. we support you to define what ‘good’ look like in your unique environment by selecting Performance Factors you consider to be a Strength and those you consider to be Toxic.



Axiometrics Talent Benchmarking answers:

1. Can this person do the job?

2. Will this person do the job?

3. Can they do it for YOU*? 

(*In YOUR company’s environment; reporting to YOU or YOUR managers)




Step 2: The Axiometrics®​ Profile – candidates to do a 15 minute online assessment where that are required to prioritise 36 statement. This produces an Axiometrics® Profile which will provide an accurate assessment of an individual’s style, strengths, vulnerabilities and risk areas in any given situation, as well as their latent potential across the following example areas:




Step 3: Matching the talent to the role  – With the measurement complete, we analyse the data to compare top and bottom performers. The result is an objective indicator of the likelihood for success and failure within a unique company and culture.